Monday, March 19, 2007

Vastu Shastra

Vastu Expert
Dinesh Gomber

"Vastu" is the science of building and essentially the art of balancing nature with man-made environment and correct placement of man in such a manner so as to get the maximum benefits of the energy emanated by natural and man-made environment.Vastu can be corrected without demolition. Vastu can fruitfully be applied to the areas of our activities. We should initially concentrate on areas, which affect our life, i.e., where we live and work. We all care about our homes and spend time, effort and money, trying to make them more comfortable. For most of us it represents one of the biggest investments we ever make. Our home (the architecture of our homes) can damage our health, the air we breathe and the water we drink, without our even being aware of it. Similarly, at the places where we work, environmental stresses contribute to overall load, preventing us to reach our full potential. Resisting these external forces becomes more important for growth and development. We are enveloped by a series of environmental hazards in our day-to-day life, which leads us to inevitable and endless physical and mental disorders. Harmony with the environment, peace for the spirit and health for the human beings are the criteria for healthy homes. These have deep roots in the human experience and in traditions of home building, according to the cultures across the world.
If You have any question about vastu or vaastu contact me on

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